Hear from our owner, Adam Walker, our insights on pre-planning.
There’s a lot that goes into planning a funeral, but making those arrangements beforehand gives you time to consider all of your options and make sure that you’re covering all of the necessary details.
Still feeling unsure? Here are some of the most important reasons why planning ahead may be the best option.
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You Decide
Preplanning lets you create your own unique life celebration. Including your family in the planning process can help them feel connected to you both in life and in death, knowing that your arrangements reflect your desires.
Saves Money
Prepayment generally means that you save money by being protected from inflation and price changes. We offer payment plans to participants who pre-plan their funeral. Paying off the cost of the funeral over the course of time is often more financially feasible and something worth considering.
It's Easy
Fill out a form or meet with a member of our staff to put your plan in place. Anyone can create a plan, at any stage in their life, and you always can make changes if you wish.
Contact Us
We are available 24/7, 365 days a year. If you need our services immediately, please call us at (207) 773-6511